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Outcomes of the Non-Statutory Consultation
Plans are being developed by Uniper for a new low carbon combined-cycle gas turbine (CCGT) power station at its Connah’s Quay site. The new power station,
Connah’s Quay Low Carbon Power, will be fitted with carbon capture technology to capture CO2 emissions.
Public engagement programme launched for new low carbon power station project at Unipers Connahs Quay site
Plans are being developed by Uniper for a new low carbon combined-cycle gas turbine (CCGT) power station at its Connah’s Quay site. The new power station,
Connah’s Quay Low Carbon Power, will be fitted with carbon capture technology to capture CO2 emissions.
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The project plans
Read the proposals for this project
Press enquiries regarding Connah’s Quay Low Carbon Power
Debra Knott
UK: Press Manager
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